HFMtalentindex helps organisations derive more return from talent by recognising and using talent. Our assessments and analysis tools offer deeper insight into the organisation.
Get answers to questions like: Where is the talent? Who makes the difference? Why does one team score better than another? What combination of talents works best? How are we doing as an organisation?
Insight and overview for HR, employees, managers and the board. HFMtalentindex offers organisations their own online platform based on scientific, psychological knowledge using the latest techniques. Objective and practical in use.
HFMtalentindex was founded in 1997. Since 2019, it has been part of the Assessio Group and is renowned for its reliable innovations in the field of HR. We lead the field in Learning Agility tools and other trends and developments in the market. Always from the perspective of measuring and developing talent. Recognise and use talent.
The Assessio Group is a market leader in psychometric online assessments & tools for strategic talent management. Assessio is an established name in Sweden and serves customers across the globe. HFMtalentindex has been part of the Assessio Group since 2019. Assessio, just like HFMtalentindex, offers digital HR solutions based on verified science and the latest research in the field of occupational psychology.
Evelien Schram, MSc., Managing Director HFMtalentindex Benelux
Pär Cederholm, CEO /Partner Assessio Group
Christel van der Werff, Teamlead Accountmanagement & Sales
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