Learning Agility & Remote Working
Learning Agility & Remote Working
Suddenly entire organisations are working from home wherever possible. For most people, this is a new experience and completely different from having an occasional quiet day working at home. But things have changed.
So what's changed? Some examples: suddenly being forced to work from home and home-school children. Chatting to colleagues online and organising conference calls, no lunches together or asking someone a quick question in person.

How does Learning Agility help to continue working effectively?
Learning Agility describes how you deal with and learn from change. How do you manage the new reality of remote working? And above all, how do you quickly and effectively develop new behaviour in a new situation?
This booklet ‘Learning Agility & Remote Working’ provides an explanation about each Learning Agility dimension, based on your score, as well as tools to help you use your Learning Agility to continue working effectively. As you are probably experiencing a change more consciously, this moment is also a chance to apply your Learning Agility. And to boost your personal development, whilst working remotely.