TecqGroep management gets off to a flying start
TecqGroep management gets off to a flying start
The solidarity to carry out a single powerful vision. When Patrick van der Ploeg took office as CEO, that is what he felt the new management team at TecqGroep needed. Guided by a senior psychologist from HFMtalentindex, the executives started talking to each other about their strengths and motivations.
“The openness to be frank with one another, without taboos. And the solidarity to carry out a single powerful vision. Together. That is what the new management team at TecqGroep needed. The ‘war for talent’ is increasing on the international labour market. In it, we want to offer a truly distinctive value. By specialising ourselves even further and, above all: by investing in people.”
Before Tecqgroep management formulated this vision and strategy, Van der Ploeg wanted to start with the basics: the management team itself. “If you want to implement a proper strategy as a new team, and be able to convey it clearly, you must be able to trust each other and break taboos. I wanted a strong management team that could take a beating.”
“I wanted a strong management team that could take a beating.” - Patrick van der Ploeg
Van der Ploeg turned to HFMtalentindex, to get off to a flying start in developing his management team. Starting point: in order to work together effectively, you must know each other’s strengths and motivations. “The beauty of HFMtalentindex, to me, is that we were given more than just a test. An organisational psychologist was also committed to helping us translate the results to our daily practice. Especially at a managerial level, that adds great value. A psychologist can give even more credibility and weight to the assessment.”
Tecqgroep benefits more from talent, thanks to HFMtalentindex
“Now we are able to say to each other: ‘I think you are better at this than I am.’ We also know our own weaknesses as a team now and know at any time which one of us needs to take action to mitigate these weaknesses. There are no more taboos. I am really very happy about that. The vision and strategy that we have developed together, we carry out uniformly and enthusiastically.” Tecqgroep uses HFMtalentindex’s online assessments broadly, for the selection and development of personnel in different layers of the organisation. Van der Ploeg: “The online assessments allow a more objective way of looking at people. As a result, you can be sure that you are making the right decisions. It also fits in with our motto to support employees in their development: ‘Tecqgroep cares for personnel’.”
Tecqgroep’ new zest is clearly bearing fruit. “Our people look at Tecqgroep with more passion and pride. In three years, we have turned Tecqgroep into a flourishing company, with a solid foundation for the future. A beautiful result that we have achieved through our people.”